

2013年冬季,在編導李承曄《末日!是否可以聽我說?》劇本作品完成後,11月決定製作,促成工作室首次計畫─2014 小劇場巡演計畫,Dream Type工作室也從那時開始籌備一整年的計畫。


一整年下來的劇場壯遊,在與不同地域的空間與人事物的啟發,我們有了更多的能量,感謝這趟旅途上支持著我們的老朋友與新朋友們,Dream Type 工作室2015年有更多新的劇場夥伴們加入,將會帶給各位更多精采的作品,與您一同發現劇場人生!

尚未加入我們的好朋友們,誠摯邀請您按讚追蹤Dream Type 工作室粉絲團唷!

【About Dream Type Studio】
In the winter of 2013, the director of "Dooms Day! All Ears to Me!" had finished the script, after that, the studio of drama was established for the extraordinary new drama plan. The plan of experimental theatre tour show was performed in 2014 ; moreover, Dream Type studio organized the program in the same year.
Dream Type Studio was established by a group of young people in Kaohsiung in 2014。In the past time, Dream Type has created two shows so far known as《Doomsday! All Ears to Me!》and《HE》. This year, 2015, we intend to bring audiences with the whole new work! Welcome to join us, we wish that we can see you in the Theater this year!


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